
Gathering pictures part 1

Bixente's BSA

Franck and Philippe's rides

Maggie on her Magnat Debon

Sylvain's DICE van

The ride out. Good times.

Emilio cam all the way from Spain !

The crew

Bayonne representing

Da boyz

Yours truly


Beer stop by the lake

Rattest bike of the day

Sylvain's tracker

Philippe's second rod

Kuma No Motor's 25 min set. A real kick in the nuts !

Thanks to everyone who came to our second annual gathering, it was a blast ! See you next year.


New stuff

The hats just got in. They'll be available this saturday at the meeting.
We'll print them on request since we are bringing the heat press. And you can choose the placement too. 


Weather forecast

Not so bad after all. Just keep our fingers crossed for it to stay this way...

The concert

It's official, Hardcore punkers KUMA NO MOTOR will play on saturday night. Make sure you show up at 9 pm for a real kick in the nuts. With their songs that last under a minute, these guys will blow you away.


Schedule for saturday

Pour ceux qui veulent du détail, voici le déroulement de l' après midi du 29/10 :
For those who want some more details on the day :

15h00 : Arrivée - Arrival
15h30 : Départ pour le ride - Leaving for the ride
17h30 : Retour du ride, début de l 'apéro et on se check les machines... - Back from the ride, drinks and check each others machines
19h00 : Démarrage du BBQ - Start the BBQ
21h00 : Concert ( surprise ... ) - Gig ( surprise...)
22h00 : A vous de voir :-)  Your call :-)
02h00 : Fermeture du Cream café. - Cream café closes

The ride

Agrandir le plan

This is the ride we intend to do on saturday. It's not a long one but the scenery is quite cool especially at the lakes. We'll take a stop at point F on the map for a beer with lake view before returning to Cream café for more beers and a BBQ.

Voici le ride qu'on compte faire ce samedi. Rien de bien long mais un itinéraire bien cool, surtout vers les étangs. On s'arrêtera au point F sur la carte pour une bière avec vue sur l' étang blanc avant de reprendre la route en direction du Cream café pour l' apéro suivi d' un BBQ.


Gnarrrr !

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New stuff

Thanks Bixente for making these


Tats on A.G.

Just got word from our Buddy Owan tattoo that he'll bring his gun to the Annual Gathering.


Where ???

Agrandir le plan

2nd Annual Gathering confirmed !

Yes, it is confirmed ! The event you were all waiting for is happening again in the beautiful South West of La France, Seignosse to be precise. After last years success we decided to meet once more at the infamous  "Cream Café" just in front the well known surf spot of "Les Bourdaines". We plan on meeting there around 3 pm for an early drink, then leave for a ride with whoever wants to join across the beautiful backroads of the Landes cruising from one village café to the next...
When we get back to our OG destination, it 'll be time for a well deserved brew followed by a humongous BBQ. And no it won't be free you cheapskate !
When all bellies are well filled, it'll be time to put yer earplugs in for some heavy live sound. The name of the band has yet to be made public.
Whatever happens after that is yer call, and to be honest I'd rather not know...
See you there.

Special thanks to Alex at Cream Café - Bixente Moto - Sylvain at DCA - Volcom - Brecht for the poster.