
Annual gathering 2

Last year's poster

If you missed last year's gathering, make sure you keep the end of september free for bikes , beers and music. We'll update the poster and post it within the next few days. More info soon !!!

125 Sidecar

Bixente and Benoit working on their new find, a 125cc peugeot sidecar. The thing runs great too !



My son and a Caddi.

Dad and daughter.

Swimming in freezing Baltic.

Bathroom at Liberty or Death cocktail bar.

Can't remember the name of this bar, but insane music all night long.

Spent 3 days in a log cabin on this lake. 

Best toilet in the world.

Bender bar

My Mrs and me at Garageland wedding chapel. Great store!

Amazing restaurant


Dice van in the family

Sylvain scored the infamous DICE van 2 days ago and drove it down to Biarritz from Paris. 
It's now officially part of the Blitzkrieg Machines family. Can't wait to take it for a ride and blast some serious sound.